Client: Nike
concept / athlete insight / producing / cinematography / photography / graphic design / post-produciton
Our team produced this film with the focus on creating a safe and unfiltered channel for Kevin Durant to share his true feelings about his role and responsibility as a Black Athlete and a Leader in his Community. Listen to his Voice, Recognize his Humility and Appreciate his Grace.
KD is the most Genuine, Considerate and Loving, Sport Icon on the planet. His service and philanthropic efforts don’t get all the limelight because he’s a real one, and doesn’t do it for publicity. Our Community, our Culture and our Game is lucky to have him paving the way. This Black History Month, we recognize the pursuit of communal well-being through the different forms wellness can take.
Kevin Durant: black consciousness & perspective
KD’s journey to wellness is guided by consciousness, perspective and vulnerability, which he learned form the game of Basketball and the places its taken him. “Black Consciousness” is a way of life Black people who see their value and progression towards holistic liberation, which KD embodies through him many endeavors, including philanthropy through the Durant Family Foundation.
Equity in Well-being
KD’s greatness is matched only by his humility, reflecting that he is only “one of 8 billion.” Like most, KD must work to pursue his welleness, both mentally and physically, in order to be of service and help pus society forward towards equity. He hopes that pother Black athletes feel empowered to prioritize their overall health so that they can also support their community’s well-being.